
Awesome YouTube Banners and Backgrounds


The Youtube banner and background are made for the for the professional companies which can make your channel look more professional.

The YouTube channel banner and background gives your YouTube channel a professional design which is very easy to design and customize the file this great template for everyone using YouTube which can impress new visitors with your design,Here we have collected the Awesome YouTube Banners and Backgrounds.

Elegant Collage Youtube Banners


elegant collage youtube banners


Today, and after an absence of you, I extend my 2 Youtube Channel Art Banners Collage, beautiful and organization in terms of design and also of their appearance in your account.

Movie City


movie city


Left and right contact info
All shape layers easy to edit
Cliping Mask photo
Include font in the .zip file
5 Color style

Professional Youtube Channel Background


professional youtube channel background


The professional youtube background was made for all you professional individuals or companies out there, so that you can inform visitors on your vast number of social media and contact outlets. dont have twitter or facebook? you can easily change it to Youtube, flikr, whatever, i’ve included some more icons in the download!

Whether you be an real estate or a freelance web designer, this background has two image holders, a logo holder, and dozens of text for you to customize to your own liking, making the background totally unique to you. Its attractive design and cohesive font choice sure to go down a hit with your subscribers.

Its built on the NEW Youtube layout so be sure for pixel perfect design. Its a great template for everyone using Youtube so that you can impress new visitors with your custom design.

Personally I’ve designed backgrounds for some of the biggest Youtubers, your getting the same quality for far less investment.

Be sure to impress with either versions of this professional template. Two versions are included, so that you can get even more bang for your buck. Its almost too easy to edit this template, simply find the layers labeled in Red, and change the text to whatever you desire.

YouTube – YouMail


youtube - youmail


Crative Mail letter style

2 PSD include
Free mail border pattern
Full pattern background
All shape layer easy to edit

Clean Youtube Theme


clean youtube theme


This is a clean and modern youtube theme design. Orange, gray and white colors but can easily be adjusted to any color desired.

Also included is a FREE matching logo mockup.

The Youtube Background Bundle


the youtube background bundle


The Youtube Background bundle is perfect for those who need some spicing up in there channel design. Impress subscribers with a new background every week, get them really active on your channel, and why not save $$$ while doing so?

Youtube – Movie


youtube - movie


6 Color style
Full pattern background
All shape layer easy to edit

Youtube Channel Backrounds – Volume 2


youtube channel backrounds - volume 2


Fully Customizable.
Fully Layered and Grouped.
3 PSD Files For Backgrounds.
1 PSD For File Avatar.
Size : 2000px X 948px | 72dpi.
Easy To Update.
Free Fonts Used.

Youtube Background Bundle


youtube background bundle


Youtube Channel background template bundle.
Smart Objects ( Help! )
Organized Layers
Fully Editable
Free Fonts Used
2120×1192 pixels

Youtube Background Vol.1


youtube background vol.1


Corporate Youtube Channel background template. this is for new youtube background version updated on mid 2013.
Smart Objects ( Help! )
Organized Layers
Fully Editable
Free Fonts Used
2120×1190 pixels

Corporate YouTube Channel Background Template


corporate youtube channel background template


Corporate Youtube channel background template
Smart Objects ( Help! )
Organized Layers
Fully Editable
Free Fonts Used
2000×1150 pixels

YouTube One Channel Photo Collage Template


youtube one channel photo collage template


PSD file fully customizable, well organised and easy to use
RESPONSIVE TO ALL DEVICES (desktops, mobiles, tablets, TV)
helpful YouTube One Channel template outline included
2560×1440 px
black and white or vintage effect layers
all colours easily editable- add contrast or use warming/cooling filter
avatar template 800×800 px included
similar Facebook timeline and Google+ cover template available in my Graphic River portfolio
photos not included

Youtube Cover Art Template


youtube cover art template


3 PSD Files 3 Different Layout (Style) Smart Objects Simple, Elegant & Clean 100% Well Organized Layers High Resolution Resolution: 2120 ×1192 px Super Easy to Edit Easy To Change Color Photos are not included in the file

Youtube Background Template 02


youtube background template 02


Youtube Channel background template
Smart Objects ( Help! )
Organized Layers
Fully Editable
Free Fonts Used
2120×1192 pixels

Retro Youtube Background


retro youtube background


Retro Youtube Channel Background Template
Smart Objects ( Help! )
Organized Layers
Fully Editable
Free Fonts Used
2120×1192 pixels

Youtube Background Vol.2


youtube background vol.2


Youtube Channel background template
Smart Objects ( Help! )
Organized Layers
Fully Editable
Free Fonts Used
2120×1192 pixels

Royal Youtube Banner


royal youtube banner


I came back to you now, Royal design and beautiful each goers YouTube and especially to their Channels, The specifics of the design are as follows :

– PSD file fully customizable, well organised and easy to use – RESPONSIVE TO ALL DEVICES (desktops, mobiles, tablets, TV) – Color – RGB & Smart objects l High resolution – size: 2120×1193 px

Elegant Youtube Banner


elegant youtube banner


I came back to you now, stylish design and beautiful each goers YouTube and especially to their Channels, The specifics of the design are as follows :

– PSD file fully customizable, well organised and easy to use – RESPONSIVE TO ALL DEVICES (desktops, mobiles, tablets, TV) – Color – RGB & Smart objects l High resolution – size: 2120×1193 px

Modern Youtube Banner 2


modern youtube banner 2


you open the .psd file with Adobe Photoshop.
when it says”Right Photo-DoubleClick…” you Double Click the Layer and a new window will open in Photoshop.There you go to File>Place and after you are welcome with the size of the photo you press Enter.
You close the new window and when Photoshop asks you if you want to save it you choise Yes.The same thing you do for all the pictures from this template.

2013 YouTube ‘One’ Channel Layout Design Template


2013 youtube 'one' channel layout design template


This easy-to-use template allows you create designs for the new ‘one’ YouTube channel layout.

Giving you exact dimensions and boundaries, this template is ideal for designing and creating professional YouTube channel layouts in the new 2013 format.

In the new format, a single image is used and then cropped differently inside YouTube for TV, tablets, desktops and mobiles – making it imperative that your design dimensions are perfect.

This template allows you to create designs accurately and professionally on the new YouTube layout.

Metallic Youtube Channel Background Template V2


metallic youtube channel background template v2


The metallic Youtube background is fantastic for anyone getting into youtube, or needing some spicing up in their channel design. With 5 Customizable holders for your type, become unique and showoff to your subscribers.

Its built on the NEW Youtube layout so be sure for pixel perfect design. Its a great template for everyone using Youtube so that you can impress new visitors with your custom design, so they engage more with your channel.

Personally I’ve designed backgrounds for some of the biggest Youtubers, your getting the same quality for far less investment.

Be sure to impress with either versions of this professional template. Its almost too easy to edit this template, simply find the layers labeled in Red, and change the text to whatever you desire.

Excited – Youtube Channel Background


excited - youtube channel background


The Excited Youtube Channel background is a fantastic way to showoff to any visitors to your channel, with its modern and attractive design its a channel design is a must have for any youtuber.

This template is so Super easy to customize, you don’t need any Photoshop knowledge (help file included to aid you).

The font used is Bebas (Free) but you can change to your own very easily if you prefer

Flames – Youtube Channel Background


flames - youtube channel background


The Flames Youtube Channel background is perfect for any Youtuber out there, needing a spicing up in their channel design and letting you stand out from the crowd. It works perfectly for any type of channel, whether it be Gaming, Graphics or Vlogs.

This template is so Super easy to customize, you don’t need any Photoshop knowledge (help file included to aid you).

If you are thinking of doing Youtube, a professional channel design is a must for every successful youtuber.

Simple One click color changes, with 5 pre-made colors, but its super easy to change to your brand colors with a few more clicks.

Its build for the NEW youtube layout, so works pixel perfectly.

I’ve myself build background for some of the most prolific youtubers out there, so your in safe hands, your getting the same for a miniscule investment!. This attractive design is sure to increase your subscriber count.

Metallic Youtube Channel Background Template


metallic youtube channel background template


The Metallic Youtube Channel background template is a perfect template for those that really want to show off their Youtube channel.

Its built on the NEW Youtube layout so be sure for pixel perfect design. Its a great template for everyone using Youtube so that you can impress new visitors with your custom design.

Personally I’ve designed backgrounds for some of the biggest Youtubers, your getting the same quality for far less investment.

Be sure to impress with either versions of this professional template. Two versions are included, so that you can get even more bang for your buck. Its almost too easy to edit this template, simply find the layers labeled in Red, and change the text to whatever you desire.

Modern Youtube Background Channel Background


modern youtube background channel background


The modern Youtube Channel background is perfect for any Youtuber out there, needing a spicing up in their channel design and letting you stand out from the crowd.

This template is so Super easy to customize, you don’t need any Photoshop knowledge (help file included to aid you).

Business YouTube Backgrounds


business youtube backgrounds


Included are 6 professional style YouTube backgrounds that can be used for any personal or business channel to attract viewers. All of the files are layered and grouped with labels for easy editing and instructions are included for uploading the backgrounds and avatars to YouTube.

– 6 Different Color Preset Options

– Custom avatars and subtle patterns included

– Fully layered .PSD files with easy to edit layers

Free Font Used: Code Bold and Code Light

2 Collage l Youtube Banners


2 collage l youtube banners


Today, and after an absence of you, I extend my 2 Youtube Channel Art Banners Collage, beautiful and organization in terms of design and also of their appearance in your account. #Youtube

– PSD file fully customizable, well organised and easy to use – RESPONSIVE TO ALL DEVICES (desktops, mobiles, tablets, TV) – Color RGB & Smart objects – High resolution – size: 2120×1193 px

Modern Youtube Banner


modern youtube banner


It’s a modern banner template that you can use it on your Youtube Channel,

Abstract – YouTube One Channel Design Banner


abstract - youtube one channel design banner


“Abstract – YouTube One Channel Design Banner” template:

2120×1193 pixels!
Fonts: Intro, Devil Breeze
Easy to edit
[I used CS6]

Cooking Youtube Banner


cooking youtube banner


A simple system, designed for the new YouTube channels. The file can download each and use it on your channel. Background can be used in any industry you run.

Youtube Channel Banner V1


youtube channel banner v1



If you looking for you tube channel banner art, then this is for you. This design is very easy to edit. Just You have to copy and paste your photo with smart object. Details instruction is available on main file.

Business Youtube Banner 2


business youtube banner 2


A simple system, designed for the new YouTube channels. The file can download each and use it on your channel. Background can be used in any industry you run.

Photographer Youtube Background


photographer youtube background


Photographer Youtube Channel background template

Smart Objects ( Help! )
Organized Layers
Fully Editable
Free Fonts Used
2120×1192 pixels

YouTube 2013 ‘One’ Channel Art – Gaming Theme


youtube 2013 'one' channel art - gaming theme


Gaming Style 2013 YouTube channel Art

Uses latest 2013 official YouTube ‘One’ channel art dimensions
Fully layered .psd file
Easy to edit
Eye-Catching Design

YouTube Background Collage vol.5


youtube background collage vol.5


Circular template for your channel on YouTube. Easy to use, adjusting images, fast editing template. File can be used in different areas, activities. Easy to change colors by hue and saturation.

Fully editable PSD file
2560×1440 px
300 DPI
Color – RGB
Smart objects
Hue/Saturation options

Youtube One Channel Comics Style Template


youtube one channel comics style template


PSD file fully customizable, well organised and easy to use
RESPONSIVE TO ALL DEVICES (desktops, mobiles, tablets, TV)
helpful YouTube One Channel template outline included
2560×1440 px
black and white or vintage effect layers
all colours and texts easily editable
add contrast or use warming/cooling filter
avatar template 800×800 px included
photos not included

Geometric YouTube Channel backgrounds


geometric youtube channel backgrounds


These custom Geometric YouTube Backgrounds look stunning on any channel from personal to corporate businesses. You can put in your own logo our use the text logo provided, input prices or information on the sidebar, and include your channel or website URL at the top.

Features: -6 Different Colors -Customizable avatar included -Fully Layered and Grouped -Adjustable text layers -PSD and PNG formats included

Christmas Youtube Channel Banner


christmas youtube channel banner


Youtube Channel Banner for Christmas. You can use it in any days. Just you have to change the text & this is very simple. Feature:

Fully Layered photoshop .PSD file
Super easy to edit
Free font used & detailed help guide included
Unlimited Background color option
Multi window support. Such as: Desktop, Tablets, Mobile etc
2560×1440 RGB 72DPI Color
Channel ready Banner .JPG image included

YouTube Banner V1


youtube banner v1


Customize your YouTube Channel background with this template. This is made for the most recent YouTube layout

Organized Layers Fully Editable Free Fonts Used Ability to Change Color Comes with Clean Style Text Fonts In Download

YouTube Background Collage vol.2


youtube background collage vol.2


It’s a simple and transparent system. Great background for your new channel on YouTube. Smart objects will help you easily put images in the template. The background is versatile and can be used in any industry. With the Hue/Saturation in one moment can change the color of your template.

Fully editable PSD file
2120×1193 px
300 DPI
Color – RGB
Smart objects
Hue/Saturation options

YouTube Background Collage


youtube background collage


A simple system, designed for the new YouTube channels. The file can download each and use it on your channel. Background can be used in any industry you run.

Fully editable PSD file
2120×1193 px
300 DPI
Color – RGB
Smart objects
Hue/Saturation options

Glitch – YouTube One Channel Design Banner


glitch - youtube one channel design banner


“Glitch – YouTube One Channel Design Banner” template:

Dortoretto Youtube Background


dortoretto youtube background


Dortoretto Youtube Background – a cover for channels that deal with culinary, but if you run a different channel, you can properly adjust the template to your requirements. This is possible because the whole project is based on vector shapes.

YouTube One Channel Design Banner V2


youtube one channel design banner v2


“YouTube One Channel Design Banner V2” template:

YouTube One Channel Design Banner


youtube one channel design banner


“YouTube One Channel Design Banner V1” template:

2120×1193 pixels!
Font: http://www.dafont.com/bebas-neue.font
Color: Red, Green and Blue!
It is easy to change the text, logo and color!

YouTube Channel Dynamic Background – MAGIC SPARKS


youtube channel dynamic background - magic sparks


Make your YouTube channel from boring into sparking with magical light spreading to get more attention to your content!

Notice: “Cosmic Panda” Layout NOT “One-Channel” Layout from june 2013 or above! (the reason it’s still here is for those who already purchased).

FITS PERFECT to the NEW 2012 YouTube Layout!
8 DIFFERENT COLORS (Blue, Azure, Purple, Pink, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green)
BLENDING BACKGROUNDS for long-scroll channel using Base Background color (dynamic Changeable)
2 VERSIONS: Normal Channels + PARTNER Channels
PARTNERS BANNER comes with Title and Buttons INCLUDED (Dynamic Changeable)
PARTNERS 5 BUTTONS: Subscribe, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ YouTube (Dynamic Changeable)
PARTNERS BANNER includes SHINY TITLE + MOTTO (Dynamic Changeable)
PARTNERS BANNER includes a Ready-to-Use IMAGE-MAP, Change the links, copy past to your channel
Friendly easy to follow Step-by-Step Instructions in TEXT + IMAGE
Organized PSD with Layers, EASY to work with, Just tweak and upload!


56 pixels

Anand is a web designer and developer with a passion for interaction design. He is the founder of 56 Pixels, who has got more than 5 years of experience in the field of print and web.

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