
An Ultimate Beginners Guide to Essay Writing


Writing an essay is the most frightening nightmare amongst most middle and high school students. The nightmare doesn’t just haunt students during their academic careers. But even in their professional lives too. As a business executive, you may need to write essays in the business world, too, often called reports. An essay can be explained as a piece of writings that expresses information and the writer’s opinion. Writing an essay is the most dreadful task for students. Whether the essay writing is for exams, scholarships, contests, or just for impressing teachers, students often find it overwhelming.  

Famous English scholar William Shakespeare said, “pen is mightier than a sword.” But in reality, just a pen isn’t enough to make you a pro writer. As a writer, you might see yourself as the next Shakespeare, but inspiration isn’t the key for an effective writer. You will see the conventions in English essays are more formulaic then you could ever dream of. But in many ways, it’s as simple as counting five.  

What is an Essay?

An essay is a writing that highlights the writer’s argument. An essay in the information that develops an argument based on evidence, analysis, and interpretation. Writing means decorating a coherent set of information into an argument. Since essays are linear, it features a single idea at a time. Moreover, the ideas or information should be tabulated in a way that makes the most sense to the readers. There are several types of essays, but here we have categorized essay writing into primarily four types:

Types of Essays:

  1. Expository: It’s the most common type of essay we come across in our academic life, and even it’s the most common format required in exams. In such types of essay writer explains a topic using facts, statistics, and examples.  
  2. Descriptive: It’s an explanatory document. In such type of essay writer paints a picture using words. Moreover, it’s all about words, adjectives, smiley, and metaphor.
  3. Narrative: As the name suggests, it’s a creative set of writing with its point of view, making it clearer for the readers.
  4. Persuasive: This type of essay is more like expository essays, but to convince the reader to accept readers’ point of view. The writer must use Facts, stats to convince the audience.   

Essay Writing Guide

For some writing, an essay is just sitting in front of a computer and start typing. But essay writing is more than that; lots of planning goes into writing an essay successfully. It’s a big project, certain tasks need to be followed, So here in this guide, we have broken down the multiple tasks into manageable steps.   

Most students will relate to writing easy is the most intimidating task of their lifetime. Even during my academic life, I was a mediocre writer. In every test, exam, I was required to write an essay. But every time I was skated with B’s and A-minuses. But eventually, at last, I made a breakthrough. And figured out how to write an impressive essay—even learned how to have fun while doing it. Yes, you heard it right, Fun!

Why Is Essay Writing Getting Harder?

Essay writing is really a taxing job, but some factors make it nerve-wracking. The biggest factor that makes essay writing hard is that we mostly focus on external rewards like getting grades, impressing teachers, etc. Such thoughts elevate our anxiety level and bind our creativity. So, stop trying to impress others. Instead, write which you feel interested and write on the topic which you feel fascinating.    

Tips for Writing a Great Essay

If you haven’t written an essay before or struggling to write it, or just want to improvise your writing skills. Then following these processes is the most successful way to draft an outstanding essay.

  • Pick Up a Topic:  If you are given a topic, its great. But when you are given free reign to write on the topic you want. The real complexities begin. You need to apt the topic which is fascinating and interesting. After the topic is chosen, now its time to think about the type of paper you want to produce. Whether you need a general overview of a subject or just a specific analysis, narrow your focus if necessary.
  • Research About Topic: Once the topic is chosen, now its time to research the topic for writing a detailed and informative essay. Go to the nearest library, search contents online, and even interview the experts in the subject.  
  • Prepare an Outline:  Once you have bookmarked the content online, interviewed people. Now its time to organize your thoughts. Note it down on a paper, by which you can see connections and links between the ideas clearly.  
  • Develop a Catchy Thesis: The thesis is the main statement of your essay. It describes what your essay is about. Be creative and thoughtful while writing a thesis as it strikes the focus of your audience.  
  • Write Body Part: The body section is what briefly describes your essay. Each point or notes you wrote in your outline section has a separate paragraph in the body section.  
  • Write a Conclusion: Remember whether you write a story, letter, or essay. It all ends with a conclusion. Your conclusion should contain four to five strong sentences.  
  • Check Spellings and Grammar:  After writing your conclusion, you might think you have won the baton. But it isn’t true. You are only halfway done. Before you submit your article or publish it over the internet, pay attention to all small details.
  • Firstly, check the sequence of your paragraph. Adding strong points is the starting and end of your paragraph. Review what you have written. Thoroughly go through your article, check grammatical mistakes, spellings, plagiarism, etc.  

A lot goes into writing a great essay. These points won’t master you in easy writing. These steps will just assist you in writing an essay. But even can help get along the way and get you on the path a well written easy. Becoming a excellent writer requires a lot of patience. So always refer to online articles, books to improve your vocabulary, knowledge, and writing trends and techniques.  

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