
Amazing Examples of Forced Perspective Photography


Did you ever wonder how did they make Frodo look so small next to Gandalf? This technique is frequently used in filmography, photography and art in general. In order to show the contrast between the sizes of objects in a picture the “forced perspective” technique is used. Some photographerschoose this technique for their photos as well and it is really successful.

There is no need to use editing softwares or a professional camera, because you can use your imagination by creating outstanding effects with the right angle of the camera and the way you place objects in a picture. You can create an optical illusion by making your objects look bigger or smaller than they actually are. Make the Eiffel Tower stand on your hand or lean on the Tower of Pissa. You can create pretty amazing and unique shots by using this technique.

If you wonder how it is done, check out these inspiring photos and get creative!




56 pixels

Anand is a web designer and developer with a passion for interaction design. He is the founder of 56 Pixels, who has got more than 5 years of experience in the field of print and web.

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