
25 Examples of Creative Typography in Web Design


Typography is the form of writing on any surface. Typography has lots of things to do in the designing of a website. With the advent of computer and related technologies, website designers get lots of chances to use different types of effective tools in order to do great things with fonts and style of typography. There are many websites where the typography speaks for the site itself. Here typography becomes the chief element of a web or graphic design project. Here designers get opportunities to play with different types of fonts and create a mesmerizing effect through the help of typography.

While searching internet regularly, you can visit a lot of websites where typography plays an important role in the designing part. In these sites the main idea of business is depicted through fonts. However, in order to use fonts to this extent, designers must have enough knowledge on typography and the capability to deal with it effectively. Proper selection of fonts is very much essential if you want to have a site where typography plays an important role. For instance, if you have a wine factory and want to design a website, a mind blowing typography effect that depicts your business in the best possible manner to your clients, will make the difference for your website. On the other hand, if you own an online news portal then the typography of your website will definitely be different from the previous one. Designers as well as the site owners must understand these factors while choosing typographical effects for a website.

Typography can be used for any purpose in a website, it may be posters, annual reports, flyers or brochures where you want to add the effect of typography on your website. In case of advertising, typography is vital as well. Since most of the time you have the limitation of words when it comes to promote an idea or product through an advertisement, so in that case attracting typography can help you convey the intended meaning of those words to the target customers.

The typography web design is an extremely challenging task since it involves a lot of creativity and sensibility. The fonts must be relative to the message and it must be arranged in a proper manner so that visitors don’t feel awkward to see it on your site. Otherwise it will fail to attract them and your purpose will not be solved. Hence, having professional typography in web design is a great idea but only if it is performed with skill and efficiency.


56 pixels

Anand is a web designer and developer with a passion for interaction design. He is the founder of 56 Pixels, who has got more than 5 years of experience in the field of print and web.

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