
10 Best Character Designs For 2d Animations


Art Direction & Illustration: Jthree Concepts

Composition characters designed by Rubens Cantuni, Dacosta! & Jared K. Nickerson.
Round 2 characters designed by Rubens Cantuni & Jared K. Nickerson

Characters and promotional design for mobile app, FunChat.

10 Best Character Designs (1)


10 Best Character Designs (2)


10 Best Character Designs (3)


10 Best Character Designs (4)


10 Best Character Designs (5)


10 Best Character Designs (6)


10 Best Character Designs (7)


10 Best Character Designs (8)


10 Best Character Designs (9)


10 Best Character Designs (10)


10 Best Character Designs (11)


10 Best Character Designs (12)



56 pixels

Anand is a web designer and developer with a passion for interaction design. He is the founder of 56 Pixels, who has got more than 5 years of experience in the field of print and web.

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